LEO YEARLY Horoscope

Year 2024

Where last year we saw a lot of change, this year things are a lot more stable, with the two major changes that we do have, over and above the ever changing backdrop of the faster planets, are happening in harmony. The year begins with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion in his first full day back in direct motion in your career sector and Pluto, the planet of change and revolution just three weeks away from leaving your work sector, where they have worked in harmony for a major part of 2023. Pluto had left and returned to your relationship sector in March so wasn’t there when Jupiter returned in May 2023 to begin your biggest year for professional growth and expansion in over a decade. However, Pluto retrograded back into your work sector just a few weeks later and has been here ever since. Because Jupiter only turned direct on New Year’s Eve he is still at a standstill and as the first eight weeks of the year are likely to be some of the busiest of the year, this is a chance to let things settle professionally while first gaining as much traction on the job front as possible. While the Sun and Pluto will both leave your work sector and return to your relationship sector on 21st January, with Mars moving through from 5th January to 13th February, Mercury from 14th January to 5th February and Venus from 23rd January to 17th February, they will keep the momentum on the job front going. By that time Jupiter will be picking up speed and the focus can shift onto career matters, with the Sun’s return on 20th April and Venus’ on 28th April beginning a push to make the final weeks of Jupiter’s quest for professional growth and expansion some of the best. The Sun and Venus will leave before Jupiter, but it is Mars’ return from 9th June to 21st June that could see the full extent of what’s possible fully exploited. By then Jupiter will have returned to your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking, he will spend until June 2025 making this the most expansive area of your life. This will also allow Jupiter and Pluto to resume their partnership, this time promoting friendship and relationship building. This will have the support of the South Node, which will spend the whole of 2024 in your communication sector. Meanwhile, staying put is Saturn, whose return to your financial sector in March 2023 began a three year quest to take your financial power back.

Year 2024

The year gets off to an exciting start on both the romantic and relationship fronts and while the early and the latter months of the year will be the most exciting on the romantic front, there is something much bigger pending on the relationship front. The year begins with no planetary activity in your relationship sector, but that is about to change, though with the year getting off to a romantically charged start. While the Sun will always leave your romantic sector just before Christmas, the year begins with Mars, Mercury, Venus and even the dwarf planet Ceres all in your romantic sector, with the planets of love, passion, communication and the queen of nurturing all here through a set of coincidences. Venus, who should have been and gone by now was late to return because of a retrograde phase. Mercury did leave in December, but a retrograde phase brought him back, while Mars is making his first visit in two years and Ceres her first deep dive into your heart’s needs and priorities in four years. While Mars will leave on 5th January, Mercury on 14th January, Venus on 23rd January and Ceres on 8th February, this will get the year off to a romantically charged start. While Mars and Ceres won’t be back, Venus will return to do it again from 18th October to 12th November, Mercury from 3rd November 2024 to 8th January 2025 and the Sun from 22nd November to 21st December, making the early and the latter months of the year the most romantically charged. Meanwhile, it is on 21st January that the Sun will return to your relationship sector, something that will always put the solar spotlight on your relationships at this time of year. However, the Sun will bring Pluto with him and while the planet of change and transformation will retrograde back out for 11 weeks from 2nd September to 20th November, once he is back, he will be here now until 2044. Helping in the early months of a major two decade long journey will be Mercury, who will return to your relationship sector from 5th February to 23rd February, Mars from 13th February to 23rd March and Venus from 17th March to 12th March. Venus will come full circle, with the planet of love joining up with Pluto again from 7th December 2024 to 3rd January 2025.

Year 2024

For the last two decades, while planets have come and gone from your income sector, there has been continuous planetary activity on the other side of the financial fence in your financial sector, the side where it is more about what you do with and how you manage the money you have. Different planets have come and gone in that time, but you have had Neptune, the planet of dreams here since 2012 and Saturn, the hard taskmaster of the cosmos since March 2023. Both will leave in early 2026, bringing you to the final year of a journey that began with Uranus’ return back in 2023. This makes 2024 and 2025 culmination years and especially with both Saturn and Neptune leaving for a few months next year then coming back to finish things up. What you have now is Saturn and Neptune, two very different planets working together to give you the resolve and determination to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn financial dreams into reality. These are planets that are focused on the big picture, but you will have a chance to get down to basics and really get a hold on money matters when the faster planets move through. It is when the Sun moves through from 19th February to 20th March that this will put the solar spotlight on your financial situation and money matters, with Mercury returning with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet from 23rd February to 10th March. It is when Venus moves through your financial sector from 12th March to 5th April and Mars from 23rd March to 1st May that the planets of money and war will fight to make things happen. Things will settle back after that and with Saturn and Neptune spending the second half of the year in retrograde motion, this will finally give the income side of the financial fence a chance to have its turn. The most lucrative months of 2024 will run from Mercury’s return to your income sector on 26th July to his eventual departure on 26th September. Normally only here for 14 to 15 days, Mercury will leave on 15th August but will return for a second visit from 9th September to 26th September. The most lucrative weeks of this period will be when Venus, the planet of money moves through from 5th August to 30th August.