Cancer Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

Whether you were born towards the end of June or in July, with the Sun always spending the first three weeks of July in Cancer, this is your birthday month and the start of a new solar year. While Venus and Mercury will always travel close to the Sun, they are not always here at the same time and last year Venus had been and gone weeks before your birthday month and new solar year had even begun. The last time that you moved into July with the Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Cancer was in 2016, putting heart and mind on the same page from the start. Where the Sun is putting the solar spotlight on your options and Venus is focused on what you want from the coming year, Mercury is focusing on the when, where and how. With Mercury leaving on 3rd July, Venus on 12th July and the Sun on 22nd July, this is giving you everything needed to move into the new month and new solar year with confidence. Yet when the Sun left a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart last month and brought your old solar year to an end, he left Jupiter behind and not due to return to Cancer until 2025, the wind down of this current 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion will continue. While this isn’t stopping you from moving forward and embracing this new solar year, it is leaving old doors open while making time to hear yourself think and even reconnect with a sense of spirituality even more important. Mars will join Jupiter there on 21st July, beginning the six week wind down of your current Mars cycle ahead of his return to Cancer in early September. Until then, Mars is firing up your passions, competitive and team spirit while getting the month off to an empowered start when it comes to personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building. Meanwhile, as Mercury, Venus and finally the Sun leave Cancer it will be to begin the first planetary activity in your income sector for the year while kicking off the most lucrative months of 2024. Until now all the focus has been on the other side of the financial fence, with a chance to gain a better balance between money coming in and money going out.

July 2024

Until she leaves Cancer on 12th July Venus, the planet of love is on a mission to not only update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year but to turn those desires into reality. Last year Venus had been and gone long before the Sun returned to begin your birthday month and new solar year, so this wasn’t part of the launch or the setting of your overall intentions and resolutions. This year, with the Sun not leaving until 22nd July, Venus has embedded herself into the DNA of this new solar year, weaving your heart’s hopes and aspirations into the very fabric from the start. While Venus is only here for 24 days, she will have an influence on the coming year, with the Moon’s monthly visits to your romantic and relationship sectors while she was here helping with that. This happened during Venus’ early days, with the Moon having returned to your romantic sector within minutes of her return to Cancer and then just days later, not only returning to your relationship sector but as a Full Moon. By the time the Moon comes full circle from those visits Venus will be gone, but with the Sun still here there will be a revisit their influence and in the final days of your birthday month, revise your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year. The Moon will move through your romantic sector from 15th July to 17th July, something that will not only see it form a friendly aspect to the Sun in Cancer but to Saturn and Neptune, in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart by then. In the heart of the working week and just days after Venus left, this will bring the spirit of romance, adventure and nostalgia together. It is just a few days later that the Moon will not only come full circle from last month’s Full Moon in your relationship sector, but here from 19th July to 21st July it will clash with the Sun in its final hours to create a second Full Moon.

July 2024

As you move into the new month there is still no planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence and hasn’t been all year, but that is about to change. While this won’t knock Pluto, the planet of change and transformation off his perch, it will create some healthy competition while guarding against complacency as he sits pretty on the other side of the financial fence. While since his return to your financial sector in January Pluto has been working to promote the kind of change that can help you take your financial power back, he has until 2044 so is in no hurry. In retrograde motion and going back over old ground but with a lot of support, a lot of your financial empowerment is coming from hindsight. This leaves a gap to progress things forward and on the income side of the financial fence, there is a definite need for some planetary intervention. Fortunately, you won’t have to wait long, with Mercury returning to your income sector on 3rd July for what is normally a 14 to 15 day chance to use his smart head for money to get your head in the game and to think on your feet. That would mean that with the Sun not returning until 22nd July, Mercury would be gone by the time the solar spotlight shifts onto your income situation, matters and options. Instead, slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn that will see him return for a double dip visit next month, Mercury is here until 26th July. Mercury will also be here when Venus, the planet of money returns on 12th July for what will be a short 24 day mission to bring the laws of attraction into effect in order to attract as much available income potential as possible while raising the bar on your expectations. With all Mercury’s comings and goings, what he begins on 3rd July will enjoy continuous planetary activity on the income front through to 12th September. You will get an early read on Mercury’s influence when the Moon returns from 7th July to 9th July, something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger. It is two weeks later that the Moon’s visit to your financial sector from 21st July to 23rd July will bring a chance for a deep dive on the other side of the financial fence.