Gemini Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

By the time you move into the new month it has been 10 days since your birthday month ended, Venus and Mercury had left two weeks earlier and Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion has been in Gemini for four weeks. Having already moved into your new solar year and a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion, it should be all about looking to the future, yet there is likely to be a sense that something is holding you back. It might feel like a lack of motivation, procrastination or just a hold that the past may still have on you. However much you might want to move forward, something is holding you back and for good reason. This is something that needs to be embraced, for as you move into the new month you are also moving into the final three weeks of your current two year Mars cycle. Mars is the planet that gives us our energy, vitality and get up and go and by the time he returns to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, we are often running out of gas. This is a time for recharging your batteries and whether your new solar year and new Jupiter cycle have started or not, Mars is putting his foot down. That will change when Mars joins Jupiter in Gemini on 21st July, with potentially life changing implications. Jupiter expands anything that comes into close contact and that includes Mars’ passions, drive, warrior and competitive spirit. The last time Mars and Jupiter were in Gemini at the same time was in 2013 and with the warrior planet of the cosmos not leaving until September, this is when every aspect of your life is going to open up. Meanwhile, with the Sun always spending the first three weeks of July in your income sector, Mercury here until 3rd July and Venus, the planet of money until 12th July, this could get the month off to a lucrative start. However, this is also the first of a series of stepping stones that will eventually to an opportunity for income growth and expansion in 2025 and 2026.

July 2024

While it is business as usual on the romantic and relationship fronts this month, external influences are going to make this a good month on both fronts. On the romantic front, business as usual means that while the South Node will spend the whole of 2024 in your romantic sector, there has yet to be any planetary activity here and won’t be for several months. However, in harmony with Pluto in an adventurous part of your chart and due to move into a friendly aspect to Jupiter in Gemini, there has been and will continue to be a lot of support for matters of the heart. With another solar eclipse here in October, there is also an element of fate already in play. When the Moon moves through your romantic sector from 12th July to 14th July it will form a friendly aspect to Jupiter as it moves through, bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together. With the friendly aspect between Jupiter and the South Node running from 9th July to 13th July, the spirit of romance will already be getting a boost by the time the Moon returns. Meanwhile, business as usual on the relationship front means no planetary activity and only the Moon’s monthly visits to keep the focus on your relationships. This makes the Moon’s visit from 17th July to 19th July a valuable chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged. However, while an ordinary monthly visit, this is when you find that the external conditions have changed. Mercury, the planet of communication’s returns to your communication sector on 3rd July and Venus, the planet of love’s returns on 12th July means that by the time the Moon returns they will be in position. While Mercury will leave on 26th July a retrograde turn will see him return next month while for Venus, this will be the Moon’s only visit to your relationship sector during her short 24 day mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice.

July 2024

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your income sector, the solar spotlight is always on your income situation, matters and options at this time of year. With Venus, the planet of money here until 12th July and Mercury until 3rd July, two weeks after the first planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence this year began, you will be starting to hit your stride. While Mercury will leave on 3rd July, he will leave you with the smart head for money needed to keep your head in the game and to think on your feet. Mercury won’t be here when the Moon not only moves through from 5th July to 7th July but as a New Moon, but his influence will be. Meanwhile, there is a need to look beyond what is happening now and to see this as the first step in a much bigger picture. When the Sun leaves on 22nd July this will once again leave your income sector empty and five weeks to the day before Venus began the first planetary activity here since July 2023, this will bring it to an end. However, unlike most years this is far from the end of the story and while this will leave your income sector empty, only for now and not for the rest of the year. Instead, your income sector will only be empty for six weeks, just enough time for what has already been triggered to play out from what was the first of three significant steps. Step two begins on 5th September when Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos will return to begin his first fight for what you deserve in two years. Normally here for six weeks, Mars will instead be hitting the brakes and while he will leave two months later, a retrograde turn will bring him back for a do over from 6th January to 18th April 2025. Between now and Jupiter’s return in June 2025, which is the ultimate step, your income sector will never be empty for more than two months, with a series of stepping stones between now and then. Until the Sun leaves on 22nd July, you have a chance to explore all available income potential, but you are also setting things up for something much bigger. Meanwhile, the Moon will not only come full circle from last month’s Full Moon from 19th July to 21st July, but as a rare second Full Moon, once again giving the other side of the financial fence a boost.