Because of the September equinox, this is always a month of not just change in the heavens but a month where we can see physical signs that the seasons themselves are changing. However, you won’t have to wait until the equinox on 23rd September to see signs of change, with the first five days of the month hosting the most significant change and for you, the first 48 hours the kind of change that will have the most personal impact. It begins with Uranus’ retrograde turn in Taurus on 2nd September, something that after a big year so far gives you a chance to move into review mode. It was only in May that Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion wrapped up his 12 month visit to your income sector and Mars, the warrior planet of the cosmos only left last month. Uranus’ retrograde turn is going to give you more hindsight, while giving you a chance to retrace your steps, as well as review and process the journey that this year has taken you on so far. Helping with that journey will Pluto’s retrograde turn your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery just a few hours later. Retrograding back in seven months after leaving, will put Uranus and Pluto back in harmony and will make them travelling mates during the 11 weeks that the planet of change and transformation is back here. Helping to put the focus back on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence is having the Sun in a playful and creative part of your chart until 23rd September and Mercury from 9th September to 26th September. The third event of the month takes place three days later when Mars leaves your income sector on 5th September. With Pluto retrograding back out of your career sector on 2nd September, it is the growing planetary activity on the job front that will keep the momentum going. It is then that Mars will not only return to your communication sector to begin his war on communication barriers but his longest visit in two decades. Mars will be here when Venus, the planet of love returns to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front this year on 23rd September.
Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of September in your romantic sector, the solar spotlight is always on matters of the heart and all things romantic at this time of year. While the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment ended her 10 month visit early last month and Venus, the planet of love left on 29th August, between them they have left you with a clear sense of what you want from love and the resolve to turn desires into reality. As you move into the new month the Sun is on his own, though not for long, with the Moon making the first of two visits it will make to your romantic sector this month from 2nd September to 5th September. Returning four days after Venus left and aligning with the Sun to create a New Moon on 3rd September, these romantically charged lunar vibes are not only a lot more potent but bring a chance to draw a line in the sand. It is four days after the Moon leaves that having retrograded back out last month Mercury, the planet of communication will return on 9th September to resume his mission to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. With the Sun leaving on 23rd September, when Mercury leaves on 26th September this will end all planetary activity on the romantic front this year, though with the Moon returning on 29th September to end the month on a romantic note. Meanwhile, while all the planetary activity on the romantic front for the year is starting to run its course, the first planetary activity on the relationship front for the year is about to get started. The Moon’s return to your relationship sector from 7th September to 9th September will be the first chance to focus on your relationships and with Mars returning to your communication sector on 5th September, the timing couldn’t be better. It is two weeks later that on 23rd September, the same day that the Sun leaves your romantic sector Venus, the planet of love will become the first planet to reach your relationship sector this year. With Mars not leaving your communication sector until September, he will be fighting to keep the communication lines open for the whole time that Venus is here.
While all the planetary activity is still on the income side of the financial fence and that will remain the case all month, there is a change in the dynamics as well as a chance to let things settle before Venus, the planet of money returns to your financial sector next month to begin the first planetary activity on the other side of the financial fence this year. The month begins with Mars and Jupiter together in your income sector, but with Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos just days away from leaving on 5th September. This will leave Jupiter on his own but with your biggest year for income growth and expansion not running its course until June 2023, Mars’ job has been to fire up a drive to fight for what you deserve and get the momentum going. When Mars leaves the urgency will drop back and with Pluto retrograding back out of your career sector on 2nd September, just as the same is happening there. However, as they step back it is planetary activity on the job front that is stepping in and as the planet of money, it is Venus who will continue to wave the flag for both the money and professional gods until leaving your work sector on 23rd September. This is the same day that the Sun will return and while not as focused on the money as Venus will be, this will keep the momentum going across the income, work and career fronts. However, thanks to the Moon, Venus’ final hours could be the most pivotal. The Moon will make its monthly visit to your income sector from 22nd September to 25th September, something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger. The Moon will not only be here but aligned with lucky Jupiter as Venus is wrapping up her mission to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction. Meanwhile, with no planetary activity on the other side of the financial fence, until Venus returns next month, the Moon’s return to your financial sector from 10th September to 12th September will be a chance to check in on money matters.