July 2024

While there are multiple aspects in play this month, as is the case in any month, there are two main camps that will define the month and they are what is happening with Mars and what is happening collectively with the Sun, Venus and Mercury. The year began with the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars, the planets that are always on the move, all in the same part of the heavens and all roughly on the same page and focused on the same aspects of your life. Since then, while the lead between the Sun, Venus and Mercury has chopped and changed, they have remained a tight pack and for the first time since 2016, they all begin July in your relationship sector. However, since then, travelling much slower Mars has dropped back but in the process, he is following in their footsteps. This means that on the one hand, this is a month where Mars is following up in the rear and in the footprints they and Jupiter have left, with a chance to exploit the potential already created. At the same time, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are moving into new areas in order to open up new opportunities, that Mars will eventually exploit later in the year. Until leaving your romantic and creative sector on 21st July, Mars is exploiting the potential already created, including from Jupiter’s 12 month visit that ended just two weeks before he returned. It is then that a month after the Sun left your work sector on 21st June that Mars will return to begin what could be the busiest six weeks of any year. It has been two years since Mars was last here, with his work passions, fighting and competitive spirit joining up with Jupiter’s 12 month quest for job growth and expansion. Because the Sun, Venus and Mercury all left last month and start the month in your relationship sector, there are plenty of options to explore and exploit. Meanwhile, while there is a chance to focus on your relationships for the first time this year, Mercury will leave and return to begin the first planetary activity in your financial sector this year on 3rd July, followed by Venus, the planet of money on 12th July.

July 2024

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your relationship sector, the solar spotlight is always on your relationships at this time of year. Unlike last year, when Venus had been and gone for several weeks by the time the Sun returned, the planet of love is still here and will be until 12th June. While Venus was still able to work her magic when she moved through last year, it helps if the solar spotlight is on your relationships. You will also begin the month with Mercury, the planet of communication in your relationship sector and until leaving on 3rd July, he will be working to ensure the communication lines are open. This won’t leave you with without the support of the communication gods with Mercury, Venus and the Sun all spending their final days at a friendly aspect to Saturn and Neptune in your communication sector. With Saturn having turned retrograde on 30th June and Neptune turning retrograde on 2nd July, this will see the focus shift more to giving the past and unsaid words a voice. This means that while Mercury will have left by the time the Moon not only moves through your relationship sector from 5th July to 7th July but as a New Moon, there will still be plenty of communication support. With Venus leaving a week later and the Sun on 22nd July, as well as a chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged, this will be a chance for new beginnings and to commit to the journey ahead. At the same time, until leaving on 21st July, Mars will be working to make the most of his final weeks in your romantic sector. Knowing that once he leaves, he won’t be here for another two years, as well as fuelling your romantic passions and fighting spirit, having returned two weeks after Jupiter left, he is keeping the influence of what was a lucky year for love alive. The Moon will start the month here and until leaving on 3rd July, will work with Mars to get the month off to a romantically charged start, though will return from 28th July to 30th July to find him gone but Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected keeping the momentum going.

July 2024

As you move into the new month all the planetary activity and the focus is on the income side of the financial fence, as it has been since the Sun and Pluto returned in January. Since the Sun has moved on and Venus, Mercury and Mars have all moved through, putting a lot of energy into the early months of this financial year. In that time Pluto has not only stayed on but a retrograde turn in early May has shifted the planet of change and transformation’s focus onto the past. It was just after that Pluto and income planet received a significant boost when the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter one by one returned to your work sector, all moving almost straight into a friendly aspect to Pluto. With Mars set to do the same when he joins Jupiter in your work sector on 21st July, as new doors open on the job front this is creating a stronger link to Pluto and the doors he is holding open to the past, second chances and untapped income potential. Until now, with no planetary activity on the other side of the financial fence and nothing but support, there has been no competition, but that is about to change. The same planets that had moved into a friendly aspect to Pluto when they returned to your work sector have since moved on and when Mercury returns to your financial sector on 3rd July, Venus on 12th July and the Sun on 22nd July, they will all move into opposition. This might create some financial tension as each arrives, but with no planetary activity in your financial sector this year, the side of the financial fence where the focus is more on what you do with and how you manage the money you have and the potential for some complacency on the income side of the financial fence, this is going to energise both sides. Meanwhile, until leaving on 26th July Mercury will give you the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet and Venus will fire up your motivation and trigger the laws of attraction before the Sun returns to put the solar spotlight on your financial situation and money matters. The Moon’s return to your financial sector from 7th July to 9th July and to your income sector from 21st July to 24th July will give you a better read on both sides of the financial fence and of the new competition between them.