September 2024

While the month will get off to a good start on the income and job fronts and this is something that you will continue to benefit from, it comes just as you are moving into a month where there will be a growing shift to the playful, creative and adventurous side of life’s fence. However, while Mercury’s departure from your work sector on 9th September will end all planetary activity on the job front and his connection with the planets in your income sector, with Mars returning in November and after some active months on the job front, this will be more a chance to pull back and let things play out until then. It is four days earlier that Mars will return to a playful and creative part of your chart, where instead of spending just six weeks here, a retrograde turn later in the year will keep him here for two months and even then, will see him return in the New Year to spend another three months here. Mars will spend from 5th September 2023 to 17th June 2025 in just two areas of your chart and will spend time going backwards and forward between the two. As one is the most playful and creative part of your chart and the other the busiest, the time to make a balance between work and play a priority is now. Helping with that will be Venus’ early return to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery on 23rd September. Meanwhile, while this will see Mars leave your home and family sector on 5th September, with Jupiter here until June 2025 all he is ending is the drive to make things happen and or at least get things started when it comes to home, family and/or property matters. Meanwhile, as is always the case the Sun will spend the first three weeks of September in your relationship sector, something that is about to gain a lot of support. It begins on 2nd September, when within hours of each other first Uranus will turn retrograde in your communication sector and then Pluto will retrograde back into your friendship sector. With the Sun forming a friendly aspect to both before leaving and Mercury, the planet of communication doing the same when he returns to your relationship sector from 9th September to 26th September, this will give you and your relationships everything you need.

September 2024

Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of September in your relationship sector, the solar spotlight is always on your relationships at this time of year. However, the journey not only began a long time ago and is reaching its conclusion but there are some surprise developments on the romantic front this month. Long before the Sun returned to your relationship sector last month the asteroid Juno, who returned for what is normally a three month visit last October finally left early last month. However, before the queen of commitment and especially commitment to your relationships left Venus, the planet of love returned, giving her someone to hand the baton on to. While Venus left late last month, not before the Sun returned, creating an unbroken chain that has given you a clear sense of what you want from your relationships. Having retrograded back out last month Mercury will return from 9th September to 26th September to do what as the planet of communication he does best. However, with the Sun leaving and taking the solar spotlight off your relationships on 23rd September, when Mercury leaves this will end all planetary activity on the relationship front for the year. This makes the Moon’s return from 2nd September to 4th September and the New Moon this will create a chance to commit to making these final weeks count. It is a day later that there is a welcome surprise on the romantic front with Mars, the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos not only returning to your romantic sector on 5th September but to begin his longest visit in two decades. With Venus, the planet of love returning to an adventurous part of your chart on 23rd September, the same day the Sun leaves your relationship sector, this will see her join forces with Mars to spend the next four weeks bringing together a mix of romance, passion and adventure. The Moon will give you a chance to tap into this when it returns to your romantic sector from 25th September to 27th September.

September 2024

It is less that the income side of the financial fence is powering down while the other side of the financial fence is powering up and more that for the first time this year, there is a chance to gain the right balance between money coming in and money going out. This is something that the lunar nodes, which are spending the whole of 2024 in your two money houses have been trying to achieve, but until last month there had been no planetary activity in your financial sector while on the other side of the financial fence in your income sector, there has been continuous planetary activity. It is hard to keep the scales balanced when all the planets are on one side of the financial fence. That changed when the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment returned to your financial sector early last month followed by Venus, the planet of money on 30th August. As you move into the new month Venus is still in her early days, but as was the case when Juno returned, she is separating from a friendly aspect to Pluto, who will retrograde back out of an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart on 2nd September. This is a chance to move into the new month with your financial confidence and imagination fuelled. Helping to keep things balanced is that the month will begin with Mercury, now in his final days in your work sector back in a friendly aspect to both planets in your income sector. With the Sun returning to your financial sector on 23rd September, the same day that Venus leaves and Mercury returning on 26th September with the smart head for money needed to get your head in the game and to think on your feet, support for money matters will continue to grow. Because both planets in your income sector are in retrograde motion and will be for the rest of the year and money matters are looking forward and to the future, there is no direct competition and instead, a chance to finally find the right balance between money coming in and money going out.