July 2024

While the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars were all closely aligned earlier in the year, it was more a case of the faster Sun, Venus and Mercury catching up and overtaking slower Mars. For a while, this put them side by side but the further into the year we go the more Mars is dropping back while at the same time, Venus and Mercury are starting to move out in front of the Sun and this is having multiple positive implications. On the one hand, by dropping back but crossing the same ground that the Sun, Venus and Mercury have recently crossed, Mars is able to exploit the potential they have created and pick through the spoils of war. At the same time, by moving ahead Venus and Mercury are able to start exploring new options before the Sun returns to take things more seriously. As far as Mars is concerned, this is having huge benefits on the relationship and financial fronts. Until leaving your relationship sector on 21st July and having returned just two weeks after Jupiter left, Mars is continuing to fight for what you want from your relationships and what they need from you at a time when you will have a good sense of what that is. It is then that a month after the Sun left your financial sector, Mars will join Jupiter here. By the time Mars returns to your financial sector on 21st July the Sun has been gone for a month and in that time, Jupiter has had time to settle in and for what he is working to make your biggest year for financial growth and expansion in over a decade to take hold. As Mars joins up with the planet of luck and expansion here for the first time since 2013, it is his financial passions and fighting spirit that can help you to fully exploit this. Meanwhile, while the Sun, Venus and Mercury will all start the month in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery and the Sun won’t leave until 22nd July, Venus and Mercury will be gone by then. It is on 3rd July that Mercury will return to your career sector to begin the first planetary activity on the career front this year, followed by Venus on 12th July.

July 2024

There is something special happening on both the romantic and relationship fronts this month and in a way that differs from the norm. With Neptune, the planet of dreams in your romantic sector since 2012 and Uranus in your relationship sector since 2019, unlike other areas of your chart they are active all year. Things become more active when the Sun and the faster planets move through, but this is something that will have usually run its course by now. The Sun will move through your romantic sector in February/March, through your relationship sector in April/May and Venus and Mercury will also move through at around that time. By this point in the year, Uranus is usually back on his own in your relationship and Neptune in your romantic sector and it is expected to stay that way for the rest of the year. However, Saturn’s return to your romantic sector last year means that wasn’t going to be the case on the romantic front, with the two working for 12 months to give you the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn romantic dreams into reality. However, there is change underway, with Saturn having turned retrograde on 30th June and Neptune turning retrograde on 2nd July. By the time Venus, the planet of love moves into a friendly aspect to both in her final days in an adventurous part of your chart they will be in retrograde motion, with a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia deepening in the lead up to her departure on 12th July. Meanwhile, starting the month with the Moon in your relationship sector will ensure you are emotionally engaged from the start, but with things yet to dial back on the relationship front. That is because while the Sun, Venus and Mercury have long since moved through, with Mars not leaving until 21st July his fight for what you want from your relationships and what they need from you has another three weeks to run. By the time the Moon comes full circle from 28th July to 30th July, Mars will be gone and things will have settled back.

July 2024

When Jupiter returned to your financial sector in May it was to begin your biggest year for financial growth and expansion in over a decade, something that began during the Sun and Venus’ early days. Until the Sun returned to put the solar spotlight on your financial situation and money matters there had been no planetary activity on this side of the financial fence since June 2023. While this was the ordinary chance that you get to check in each year by the time the Sun, Venus and Mercury, who rushed through in 14 days last month had moved through you were aware, motivated and with the smart head for money needed to navigate the journey ahead. This left Jupiter on his own but as by the time you move into the new month it has only been 10 days since the Sun left, the Moon’s return from 3rd July to 5th July will be your first chance to get a clear read on the planet of luck and expansion’s influence. When the Moon moved through last month it was as a New Moon and it had to pick up on messages from the Sun, Venus and Mercury as it moved through. This time it is just Jupiter that you will be picking up on. However, while this has left Jupiter on his own it won’t stay that way, with Mars returning on 21st July for his first visit in two years and his first encounter with Jupiter here since 2013. Until Mars leaves in early September, this will bring today Mars’ financial passions and fighting spirit and Jupiter’s quest for financial growth and expansion. You will get a better read on this when the Moon comes full circle and returns to your financial sector again on 30th July. Meanwhile, with no planetary activity on the income side of the financial fence, the Moon’s return to your income sector from 17th July to 19th July was always going to be important. This is something that every four weeks can sharpen your nose for money and act as a trigger, this time just days after Venus, the planet of money returns to your career sector on 12th July.